Does Someone Need A Clue?



Is someone a little lost? Confused? Struggling? — NO WORRIES! Even the best detectives need a little help at times. 

Click on the toggle below for the clue you need. I will caution you NOT to click on ever toggle or you will ruin the game for yourself (and others)!



Using the decoder you learn that ABC = 2, DEF = 3 etc. You will learn that J=5, O-6, N=6, E=3, S=7.


Need the code? Highlight the text here > 56637

Dining Car - Phone

In the starting room, on the left dinner table there is a note – “Call Sheriff JONES”. Using the decoder on the table convert the letters into numbers.

Using the decoder you learn that ABC = 2, DEF = 3 etc. You will learn that J=5, O-6, N=6, E=3, S=7.


Need the code? Highlight the text here > 56637

Dining Car - Suspect List

On the table is a Suspect List and above is a Timetable. Looking at the Suspect List, work out which US state they came from and match it to a number from the times on the timetable.

Memphis is 3:00 and Alaska is 2:00 and so on, if you check all six states…

Need the code? Highlight the text here > 327185


Punch Tickets - Wooden Box

There is a stack of tickets which can be moved around. Try organising them by number of hole punches.

When the tickets are arranged in order of the amount of punch holes, the section which says “Line” has a letter next to each. This spells out KNIGHT QUEEN TOWER KING.

In the Board Room there is a chessboard. The Knight is on 7, Queen is on 5, etc.

Need the code? Highlight the text here > 7542

Safe, Inkpad, and Letter

In the safe there is a letter from Edward Ratchette and a Stamp and Ink Pad. Dip the Stamp in the Ink and stamp on the paper to reveal some letters. On the letter, look at the first letter of each line.

The ink reveals ATGHORNEYEAFGIOVN EYSAIGXO.  At the bottom of the letter it says “+ NO AGONY”. If you remove AGONY from the stamp it reads THREE FIVE SIX. Add this to the numbers you found by using the first letter of each line (3192).


Need the code? Highlight the text here > 3548

Last Carriage - Wooden Box

There is a Symbol Decoder on the bench and on the left wall, there are 5 clocks. Take a look at the clock hands and match them to the Symbol Decoder.

Use the shapes made by the hands of the clock.


Need the code? Highlight the text here > CTUIG


In the passenger carriage, the middle room has a projector inside with 5 colored blocks – Yellow, Red, Green, Blue, Purple. Using the three newspapers, keep track of the letters in each colored circle.

When the letters are unscrambled, it spells out a number order for the projector. Purple circles spell ONE, etc.


Need the code? Highlight the text here > Purple, Yellow, Red, Green, Blue

Projection Video

In the video there are some riddles. The first part of Death if first. Death starts with the letter D…

Need just a hint? Highlight the text here > The first part of Death is D, the middle letter of Train is A

Need more hints? Highlight the text here > the end of Wagon is N, the start of Creep is C and the end of Fake is E

Need the code? Highlight the text here > DANCE


There is also a luggage cart with 6 suitcases which are locked. Can you find the keys?

The keys are hanging up in the train car with the Driver Certificate and Calendar on the wall.


There is a paper with Clocks. Remember the sign that says all times should be in 24 hour military time. The first clock is 2am and bottom clock is 2pm. 2pm is 14:00 so 2+14 = 16.

The first one one is 2+14=16, second is 4+14=18 and third is 2+20 = 22.


Need the code? Highlight the text here > 161822

Engine Room

Back at the front of the train there is a door. Using 161822 opens the door. Inside the engine room there is a sign that says “Three Clues To Help Your Memory” with a symbol of a Birthday Cake, a Mirror and a Calendar.

When is the driver’s birthday?

Looking at the Driver Certificate, his birthday is July 25th. On the calendar there is a symbol on July 25th. Each symbol is actually a mirrored image so if you cover half of each symbol it should be a 4 digit code.

Need the code? Highlight the text here > 1809.